Thursday, January 30, 2014

The DCR Podcast

           If you keep up with a couple of the titles in DC's main line but would like a better idea of what goes on in the greater DCU, look no further than DC Radio! A podcast headed up by a couple of DC fanboys with an interesting outlook on comics that's loads of fun to listen to. Each week they recap all of the comics that came out on magic wednesday, covering plot beats, character development and sometimes calling back to events and storylines in the pre-New 52 Universe. These guys tend to appreciate all of the more fun aspects of comics and enjoy talking about their passion for the medium. The show is now in its second year, and I've listened to all of their episodes since they updated their format at episode 7. The show has great entertainment value and you'll get some solid laughs out of their recounting of certain books. I dont usually use this blog to recommend these sort of things, but of all the comics related podcasts I've listened to, this one comes out head and shoulders as the most entertaining and most fun to listen to. Check out their website at for shownotes and a quick rundown of each episode, or just download directly from itunes. Free to listen! Hope everyone enjoys the show!

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