Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spotlight On: The Sentinels

SPOTLIGHT ON: The Sentinels
A First Look At A Sentinel From Days of Future Past

In honor of the new X Men Days of Future Past film due out next year, I decided to publish an article to catch everyone up on the Sentinels, Since they seem to be a focal point of the plot.
First Appearance 1965

Premiering in X-Men Comics in 1965, the Sentinels typically have the ability to project energy blasts from their hands or eyes, have some manner of mutant detecting device, and are around 3 stories tall. Their height is subject to variation depending on the builder. Two notable humans to utilize Sentinels are Bolivar Trask, their creator, and Henry Peter Gyrich, an anti mutant activist, and government official.

Originally created to protect the human populace from the emerging mutant minority, Sentinels have figured heavily into X-Men comics over the years. While usually portrayed as mindless robots, some notable Sentinels have emerged, among them, Bastion, a human sized Sentinel, Nimrod, a 12-15 foot tall time traveling Sentinel from the future, Master Mold, the original Sentinel, and the Oracle, a fusion of Bastion and Nimrod employed by the Church of Reverend William Stryker*.

Notable actions of the Sentinels include killing Wolverine (in an alternate timeline along with

Modern Sentinel
many more original X-Men) and the slaughter at Genosha, Magneto's island nation, where Sentinels under the sway of Professor X's twin sister Cassandra Nova massacred 16,000,000 innocent mutants and left the island in ruins.

I'm definitely interested to see the movie interpretation of the Sentinels. Leave any comments or questions below!

*Outside of the movies, William Stryker killed his mutant son at birth and began a religious crusade against mutantkind. His followers became known as the Purifiers. In comics he had no connection to Wolverine.

Master Mold

1 comment:

  1. That Sentinel at the top of the page looks a lot bigger than the ones from the X-men trailer. I wonder if there are gonna be different kinds.
